Functional age and residual working capacity in pensioners


ISSN 2709-0205

Vol 1 Issue 1 (2020)

Functional age and residual working capacity in pensioners

Oleksandr Poliakov & Olena Tomarevska

State Institution “D. F. Chebotarev Institute of Gerontology NAMS of Ukraine”, Kyiv, Ukraine,


Received: 24.01.2020; Accepted: 25.01.2020; Published: 07.07.2020

Olena Tomarevska ˗ MD,PhD, Senior Scientific Researcher of Laboratory Occupational-Labor Rehabilitation,

Social Gerontology and PublicHealth Department;

Oleksandr Poliakov ˗ MD, PhD, Head of Laboratory Occupational-Labor Rehabilitation,

Social Gerontology and Public Health Department;

Abstract. This investigation is dedicated to clarifying of physiological mechanisms of labor activity in subjects of a different gender and age with the purpose of a theoretical background of rational usage of human residual performance and rehabilitation of his health. When analyzing the tightness of the relationships, there is a stronger relationship between the residual performance and the calendar age than the rate of functional aging and calendar age. The study of concomitant influencing factors throughout life has been shown that the presence of labor or family migration within the region, within and between states; as well as indicators of the length of service, year, age, and reasons for retirement do not have reliable correlation with the rate of aging. Reliable correlation associations were found with continued retirement at the time of the study; with the year of termination of work; and the size of the total income of the examined individuals - associations in comparison with the relationship with the calendar age have a weaker connection with the rate of aging. With indicators of the class of tension and severity, type of work, class of intensity, class for differentiation of labor according to the ILO classification. Muscle strength and endurance in the women have expressed age dynamics. The muscle strength of the women is significantly slashed at 30-35 of years, and the muscle endurance remains stable up to 55-year’s age. For the men the dynamics of the muscle strength and endurance have no obvious age trend, and mostly depend from lifestyle, physical and labor activity. In functionally young subjects the working physical work capacity is 15-20% higher, compared to an average level, observed when the functional and calendar ages coincide. The age-related decline the physical working capacity in the older workers is decelerated owing to the selection of those who are functionally young and the elimination of those who age prematurely. The physiological capabilities that determine 47.54% of the actual performance of people aged 60 - 89 years are reliably due to accelerated aging. Studies have shown high information content of using the indicator of residual performance in people over 60 years of age. A study of residual performance in people over 60 years of age showed that close to 57% of elderly people and 96.7% of senile people need ergonomic innovations in work and life to increase physical independence from outside help and compensate for age-related decline of working capacity.

Key words: Biological age, residual working capacity, elderly workers, ageing, hand grip strength.

Figure 1. Acceleration of the pace of aging in terms of functional age in people older than 60 years, taking into account the calendar age and labor history, p ˂ 0.01.

Figure 2. Percent distribution among the examined elderly and senile people by the type of aging pace due to functional age

Figure 4. Physiological abilities of persons after 60 years providing residual performance

Citating:   Poliakov O., Tomarevska O. Functional age and residual working capacity in pensioners // Ageing & Longevity. – 2020. - Vol.1. – N .1. – С. 40 - 49.


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